
A trade union is a permanent association of employees for the protection of their interests, whose goal is to achieve common demands in the world of work, especially in the field of wages, working rules and social issues important to employees.

Almost every profession has its own trade union representation in recent years.
VDSZ, i.e. the Hungarian Chemical, Energy and Related Trades Union, was established 115 years ago, which protects our interests on a national level.
The name of the trade union operating within Ceva-Phylaxia Oltóanyagtermelő Zrt. is VDSZ Ceva-Phylaxia Zrt. Organization.

It was created with the joint consent and interest of Phylaxia and VDSZ. (At least 10% of the active workforce must be members)

Our results include the collective agreement, the benefits gained during wage negotiations and the periodic material rewards of the members (unfortunately, due to government regulations, this cannot be fulfilled or is difficult). As well as the creation of a number of events with the interests of the employees in mind.
